Saturday, August 15, 2009

Plans for the Summer? NOW... What did you do this SUMMER???

What might your plans be for the 2012 summer? If it was entirely up to you, what do you wish you could do this summer? Now... What did you actually do this summer???


  1. Mr. Koczot said...
    My plan is to have fun and relax on the boat. Maybe do some traveling, and try to post a new Geography Riddle every Monday on the BLOG. Now that you're 7th Graders, it shouldn't take you too long to figure out my riddles...
    Enjoy your summer and time away from teachers, books, quizzes, and projects!

    June 5, 2009 5:19 PM

    Micmic said...
    We just left school. And I already miss 6th grade. This is soooooooo sad :( I might cry this summer...but oh well I'm excited for 7th grade

    June 5, 2009 6:15 PM

    nickaleany said...
    hi there mr.k i miss u sooooooooooooooooo much i can nat wait ffur school to start

    June 5, 2009 9:03 PM

    Emma/Amber said...
    Well I have to stay home to babysit my little brother. I'd rather be working this summer though because i don't want to waste my summer away at home doing noting. Hope you and Miss. Waterman have a good summer together!!:)

    June 6, 2009 12:13 AM

    ross said...
    Im going to D.C and busch gardens. I will post pics from my vaction on my blog. I will also have fun things on my blog. if anyone want to check it out it is

    June 6, 2009 7:37 AM

    Brianna, former 6th Grader said...
    I wish I could take care of and feed the penguins at Sea World. I might be able to do it next year.

    June 6, 2009 9:34 AM

    Mr. Koczot said...
    Charmic... you are already being missed, what will I do without you next year?
    Nick... u da man! What will you do w/out girls to talk to this summer... oh, You'll have Matt at Band Camp.
    Emma/Amber... Maybe mom will take you some place special for babysitting, and Miss. Waterman and I will be relaxing, traveling, and boating... it should be fun
    Ross... Take a lot of pic's, and create a slide show on your blog... I posted it on here, so hopefully you get more visitors... (also, the next time you post here, comment as your name, and put your blog URL in the box as well, so people can go right to your blog)
    Brianna... That would be a cool expierence, keep me posted & have fun in what ever you do
    Talk to you all later - Koczot

    June 6, 2009 12:26 PM

  2. nickaleany said...
    i will hang out with da girls at my pool cause phone numbers

    June 6, 2009 1:22 PM

    brandy said...
    i think i would want to just mess around and swim in a pool

    June 6, 2009 1:47 PM

    Mrs. Blackwell said...
    Thanks for a great year, Marlins! We will never forget our 2008-2009 classes.
    This summer I plan to .... go to the waterslide with my kids, visit the beach as often as possible, read as many books as I can, swim in the pool, sleep as late as my kids will let me, and of course NOT grade any papers. By the way, thanks to the 5 of you who said LA was your favorite class!!! Enjoy your summer. I'll keep checking this blog. You guys are so lucky that Mr. Koczot set this up for you!

    June 6, 2009 7:15 PM

    Mrs. Blackwell said...
    Ross ..... question for you. Will you change your blog next year to seventhgraders rock? I am going to check it out now!

    June 6, 2009 7:21 PM

    Mrs. Blackwell said...
    I just saw Ross's blog. Good start, Ross. I will keep checking it this summer. One thing though ... Martin Luther King, Jr was NOT a president! Remember when we read about him in my class? The rest of your blog looks great though, so Marlins get on there and check it out!

    June 6, 2009 7:28 PM

    Mr. Koczot said...
    Nick - leave the girls alone!!!

    Brandy - Have fun in the pool.

    Mrs. Blackwell - I hope you plan on bringing John and the kids out on the boat.... We all need to get on the GIANT raft!

    June 6, 2009 7:30 PM

    T♥ri Miss u sooo much said...
    WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i just want to cry right now mr. K/ most awesome teacher EVER! any way im going to tennisee wednesday to go to the tennesee wilderness resort to ride horses through the forest, fly in a helicopter, and swim in the biggest water park in Central US! it all seems like fun right, well when we get there it will be but before that we have to clean my house top to bottom and pack and spen 6 hours traveling to Moresvill(meeting my uncle at his house) then stay for 1 hour 2 at the most then were off for another 5 hours in a small compacted van with my brother( nightmare), my 2 cousins, and my mom worring if were going to crash into a eighteen weehler (she's deathly afraid of them)! Yeah just ur normal trip to tennesee! Yeah right..... lol. were u fooled mr. k? if u were, u have been spending way too much time with mrs. waterman! lol, dont tell her i said that> please, if she reads this tell her it was grant! k lol anyho i got to run, got to eat, ily mr k :( bye bye hags!

    June 6, 2009 7:56 PM

    nickaleany said...
    well them mr.kmart i was only see if oliva or gess want to come to my in ground pool

    June 6, 2009 8:32 PM

    Micmic said...
    Mr. Koczot I'll see you in school next school year. Have a Gr8 summer everyone :)

    June 6, 2009 10:24 PM

    Emma said...
    I am gonna go horseback riding everyday and help and possibly run horse summer camps at my barn. Then ill go out on the boats on the weekind. Sounds like the dream summer to me!

    June 7, 2009 8:04 PM

    Matt L. Homeroom said...
    well I Hope To go out on your boat. And Mine to and i not going to band camp Koczot.

    June 8, 2009 11:03 AM

  3. mr.goodbar said...
    i just moved up 2 tuba matt

    June 8, 2009 5:59 PM

    kayle core 2 said...
    hi mr k it kayle in whashington dc i saw the bill of rights and the decalaration of independanc i also took a tour of the capital there are status all over the place 2 from every state nc's was a vance and a aycock ask the kids if they know who they are tomoro is the white house oh and in the national arcives they dim the lights and because of lights and flash fortoraphy you can barley read the documants ask eney thing you want but they dont let us take camuras in the white house and my mom forgot the camra for the capital biulding so no pics sorry i am having fun though

    June 8, 2009 10:02 PM

    Mr. Koczot said...
    Kayle - Sounds like you are all having fun... Tough to understand some of what you are saying, because it seems like you are in a huury to type, but my suggestion would be to use the phones in your camera's to take as many pic's as you can. I knew no camera's in the White House, but that will be an expierence you will never forget... Take it all in, and be very observant! Good Luck & Have Fun!!!

    June 8, 2009 10:14 PM

    Amber missing everyone... well almost everyone!! said...
    I know i already wrote ,but if anyone would like me and Emma have a blog it's we need some people to write even though it was just for Mr. Koczot's E-O-Y project i would still like to keep it going.

    P.S. Hope to see Mr.Koczot and Miss. Waterman at RuckerJohns together sometime.

    June 10, 2009 4:12 PM

    nickaleany said...
    yahooo i got tickets to a arosmith concert and zztop are play too i am going this july

    June 11, 2009 8:42 AM

    Mr. Koczot said...
    Nice job St. Nick! You'll have fun there. Please have someone take video of you "Rock'in Out", then you can download it to your BLOG. That would be cool!

    June 11, 2009 10:48 AM

    deja said...
    im in california right now visiting my aunts, uncles,and cousins. when i leave here in 2 weeks im going to lousiana to visit my best friend Alley. Then for 1 week im going to Maryland to visit my great aunt. Then after that i guess im just gonna hang out back home. maybe go to the beach or something.

    June 11, 2009 2:59 PM

    Mr. Koczot said...
    Deja - Good to hear from you...sounds like you will be busy over the next month. If you log on the the BLOG from each of your destinations, eventually, on the world map at the bottom a dot will appear from each of your log - in locations. Keep in touch you U.S. traveler - Mr.K.

    June 11, 2009 11:32 PM

    nic knack said...
    ok i will try and sneak it in

    June 12, 2009 7:45 AM

    Mrs. Blackwell said...
    Wow! I am amazed at all of the traveling some of you are doing!
    Deja, California, Louisiana, and Maryland sound like fun. I would bet that you're reading a lot of books while you travel!
    Nic, you crack me up! You are probably the only 6th grader I know who follows Aerosmith and ZZ top. You're the man!!
    Kayle, You are so lucky to have visited the White House! it makes me want to go to D.C.
    Amber, I will check out your blog today.

    So, some of you have been to some phenomenal places. Where have I been????? I haven't even left Carteret County yet this summer!!!

    Mr K., Cameron says he wants to bust some disco dancing moves on your boat soon. You're his favorite DJ! Hillary wants to hang out with Ms. Waterman and wear her pink peace scarf.

    June 13, 2009 10:01 AM

  4. Mrs. Blackwell said...
    Mr. Koczot, do you think you could add a blog here on summer reading. I'd love to hear what books our kids are reading now. I'll even share some, too.

    Marlins, are you reading this summer???? I know some of you have probably already finished at least three books!

    June 13, 2009 10:08 AM

    Mrs. Blackwell said...
    Guess what, everyone! I was so inspired by Mr. Koczot, Emma, Ross, and Amber, that I've created my very own blog. Please come visit me. There is a poll to take and there are also a couple of posts to comment on. I'm new at this and I could really use your help!!! I'd like to have this up and running in time for the new 6th graders. You can see it at

    June 15, 2009 4:11 PM

    Christina former 4th core student said...
    Hey mr. k this is christina from your 4th core. now i live in mississippi but i still want to hear from you and everyone else so i would like you to post this. my E-Mail is mom made the email). PLEASE!!!! and tell MS. waterman i said hello.

    June 23, 2009 1:05 PM

    Mr. Koczot said...
    Christina - I hope all works out for you in Mississippi. You'll meet some great teachers, and make a lot of new friends this year in school. You can keep up with everyone on this BLOG - I won't get rid of it, and next year's students will have a different URL to log into, so this web site will be for your 6th grade class only - as everyone moves up through school. Ms. Waterman says HI, and wishes you all the best. Take care - and keep in touch! - Mr. K.

    June 24, 2009 12:08 AM

    crystal home room said...
    Hey Mr. Koczot i miss you and all of my other teachers.i cant wait to see you next year. My summer plans are to go to the beach and the pool and get a tan and spend the night with my friends and them spend the night with me to!!!!!!! :)

    June 30, 2009 9:05 AM

    Mr. Koczot said...
    Hey Crystal Dion... You don't have any plans this summer to work on your softball skills??? Also - you can't tan, you will only burn. Lastly, have fun with your friends... watch out for Tiffany. Tell your mom I said Hi! Have FUN!!!

    June 30, 2009 4:35 PM

    nickaleany said...
    well i am back from band camp and it was great

    July 1, 2009 6:28 PM

    Mrs. Blackwell said...
    I have finally left Carteret County! I am currently in Hampton Beach, NH. I hope this shows up on the map! I plan to watch the 4th of July fireworks with my family in Boston, MA. I hope all of you are doing well! I've read three more books while I've been on vacation!

    July 2, 2009 8:20 PM

    nick said...
    hi mr.k the arosmith and zztop concert got post poned cause the lead gautarist of arosmith pulled a leg musle and i am sooooooooooooo sad :(

    July 6, 2009 7:33 PM

    nick said...
    hi this is nick reorting from my funnyest uncle place in caloforinia livermore

    July 8, 2009 10:59 PM

    Amber said...
    Im going to camp in about a week give or take a couple of days. Yeah i get to be away from fam a little while. Kinda need it. It gets so crazy down here idk sometimes what to do.

    July 16, 2009 9:01 AM

  5. i actually did go to the pool and went to virginia for a week

    And I went to vermont

  7. Why not Matt??? Too busy at band camp? Maybe we'll try for next summer. And who is your core 1 teacher now??? Ha Ha

  8. had fun over the summer but myt mom died and that ruined my summer spend alot of time with my family and friends
